Saturday, April 25, 2020

Putting it to the test

Well, I rummaged through my linen closet and found an old can of shaving cream so today I put yesterday's tip to the test.  You know, the one that said to clean your glasses with shaving cream and they wouldn't fog up when you wore a mask.  Well, maybe I didn't follow the directions correctly, although they weren't that complicated, or maybe I shouldn't have used girly shaving cream, but it didn't work for me.  I waited for the glasses to air dry, as instructed, put them on, put my nifty sock mask on (the one I made following Youtube directions) and the glasses fogged up just like always.  I will say though that it seems like the condensation clears up more quickly than it had been doing.  Perhaps I'll give it another try tomorrow.  My glasses are nice and clean.  And, speaking of cleaning glasses, I had a little spray bottle of glasses cleaner that ran out so I refilled it with half alcohol, half water and a tiny drop of dish soap (not dishwasher soap) shook it up and it is being a really great glasses cleaner.  Maybe, just maybe, I have too much time on my hands, but at least I'm having good clean fun.

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