Sunday, April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday Communion

I went to church this morning via live streaming and while there took virtual communion.  Each of us were told before hand to have some wine or grape juice and a piece of bread or a cracker set out so we could "commune in the spirit."  I thought it was a great idea and it was actually quite moving.  I discovered that there are some advantages to having communion this way.  The main one being that I could use real wine instead of grape juice.  Being Presbyterian I have grown used to grape juice over the last thirty some years but I still miss the communion wine of my Lutheran youth.  The most unusual communion I ever partook of happened years ago when we lived in southern Ohio.  We attended a very small church where different  families took turns providing the elements each month.  One month the family whose turn it was forgot, until they were sitting in church, that it was their turn.  They happened to live next door to the church and the wife sent her husband home to see what he could find while she stayed in church with their three little boys.  He made it back in time for communion and we communed with pieces of sugar cookies and grape popsicles which he had melted in the microwave. The juice wasn't great but the sugar cookies were a nice touch..

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