Thursday, April 9, 2020

more special days

Today is, of course, Maundy Thursday, and I "attended" a live stream service with communion this evening.  Very somber and serious of course, but beautiful.  I'm not really a shallow person but I needed to think about something lighter than crucifixion, at least for a while, today.  Happily, I didn't even need to go looking.  My west-coast brother sent me a text informing me that today is National Unicorn Day.  Hiw lovely is that?  Because I am a Harry Potter fan, I know that baby unicorns are gold.  They turn silver when they are about two years old and then bright white when they are adults. Adult unicorns don't like boys.  So now you know.
I have a great deal of admiration for J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series.  It takes an amazing imagination to create such a wonderful, richly detailed, consistent fantasy.  It's not quite all from her imagination though.  When I was in Scotand a few years ago, as part of the tour of Edinburgh, we saw the little cafe where J.K. wrote the first book. We also walked through a grave yard near her apartment and on the tombstones there were several names that show up in the books. McGonagall is the one I remember.  We also learned more than I ever wanted to know about 19th Century burial practices, but that's another story. 

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